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Thoughts to Begin 2022

Writer's picture: David SimpsonDavid Simpson

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

Year in Review Thoughts and General Observations

edited 1/2/2022

1.) People who say they are “following the science” are most likely following a religion. Science is a process with a method. When the current “follow the experts/science” crowd tries to go along with the narrative shift saying “the science has changed”, the correct translation is “I know I was wrong, and here is my sophisticated way of implying it without saying it”. I have noticed this tendency in both academia and the church. Instead of admitting wrong doing and repentance we have code phrases of “the science changed”, “let’s just get back to doing/being the church". What should go noticed is the substance behind the sentence is rarely defined or explained, defined in a way that is only partially true, or to deflect from some behavior they previously attempted to engage in or justify. A great example is Jonathan Leeman co-authoring the book "Rediscover Church", after subtly digging Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church for opening his church in defiance of government edicts, seemingly encouraging others to not meet unless in a certain way, but yet attending a Black Lives Matter protest around the same period:

The phrases seem to me to be translated thus:

The science has changed = “I have no idea what I am talking about”.

We just need to get back to being/doing church = “I know we might have got things wrong, or maybe you perceive we did some things wrong. We aren’t going to repent or admit wrong doing. Can’t we just go back to...?”

These methods are meant to shame people from even bringing these things up.

So while the elites have a Great Reset in mind, everyone seems to want some kind of reset. The Bible has a different kind of reset in mind. The kind that involves the transformation of your mind and climaxing with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

2.) The scamdemic, plandemic, pandemic experience has been good in it has shown who people truly are, and where allegiances truly lie. It has also exposed those who have a propensity for false teaching, allowing false teaching to flourish, or attempting to justify false teachers (usually because of some relationship).

3.) It is getting harder to discuss things because dishonest people want to change definitions, and want others to accept the changes, before even having a conversation. It is objectively demonstrable that the definition of “vaccine” was changed to accommodate mRNA injections. People comparing them to previous vaccines are making a dishonest apples to oranges comparison. These new shots are a form of genetic therapy and has been admitted to as such by the CDC and the head of Moderna (although they would be coy in denying this because mRNA injections do not directly modify DNA). The fact that the DNA is not directly changed does not change that there is more involved in genetic mechanisms than just DNA itself. This is basic high school biology. One does not need to be an expert to discern this.

Links to the way back machine showing the evolving definition the CDC has for vaccines:

Here is Dr. Tal Zaks explaining that mRNA vaccines are in fact "hacking the software of life" and tampering with genetic transfer mechanisms:

Links providing the nature of mRNA related to gene therapy and where this technology is heading:

So, while it is true that mRNA vaccines do not work on DNA directly, it does interfere with gene expression. There are zero long term studies on humans receiving one injection, let alone multiple injections that explicitly interfere in the mechanisms of gene expression. Not to mention where this path is leading, or misleading.

Also take note of the this Reuters story:

Note that the headline is somewhat misleading as it asserts that gene therapy has to act directly on genes. However, as has been demonstrated, it interferes with natural gene expression. Then, later in the article: "As mRNA is genetic material, mRNA vaccines can be looked at as a genetic-based therapy, but they are classified as vaccines and are not designed to alter your genes". And does classification as vaccine make them so? As evidenced in some of the above references, clearly this is not the case.

These podcasts are full of good information that runs contrary to the prevailing narrative, which of course is readily available, and a good chunk is I've been saying a lot of this over the last two years without evening reading or listening to a lot of their stuff. Anyone that has a science background can reason these things out as possibilities.

In general, those that try to destroy the people they disagree with have something to hide. Contrast those who advance, defend, or justify The Great Narrative™️ with the Bereans in Acts 17:11 who were commended for checking to see if what the apostle Paul was saying, was, in fact, true.

While I don't necessarily agree with every point, I find the bulk of what they state to be compelling.

4.) The new religion of Scientism, which has co-opted the name “Science”, and its academic disciples excommunicate many more from its religion than the modern church. Even secularists realize that “a little leaven” will contaminate the whole, so they expunge the nonconformists. Peer Review is a process that has served us well. However, those that transgress the cool kids club get mocked or defrocked; and the cool kids club and their lackeys try to leave the dissenters careers and livelihoods in ruins. Hence the trope that creationists aren't real scientists, and other clap trap.

5.) Public education trains to be conformists and not to be critical thinkers. Those that emerge unscathed are the result of things which have nothing to do with modern public education. The bulk of those who have been government educated are the main stalwarts of the “trust the expert movement”.

Public education is also primarily concerned with grooming students to what was previously considered immoral, or into Critical Theories (Hegelian/Marxist/Communist). They also promote via pedagogy what they sometimes do not explicitly teach. It isn't things explicitly said (sometimes), but things that are done, or praxis as Dr. James Lindsay likes to say.

So when public educators insist they aren't teaching CRT, because it is a legal theory, be assured they are lying because they are doing it. When confronted they merely change the terms to obfuscate the issues.

6.) The Scripture has cautioned throughout the last two millennia that the stone that was rejected by the “builders” (i.e. experts) has become the chief cornerstone (Acts 4:10-12). Follow the experts has been a dominant theme from the time of Jesus forward. The experts convinced the mob to crucify Jesus, and they proclaimed "His blood be on us and our children". Indeed God allowed their wish. Tracing down through the Middle Ages, where the supposed secrets of Scripture were kept from the masses. Experts were required to interpret. As the experts strayed from the faith, it was hard to keep adherence to true doctrine. Various other things were championed by experts, such as the earth revolves around the sun, thinking that the Holy Land could be redeemed and conquered for Christ, Blood letting, and thinking that man stealing was somehow a good thing. Now there is still a cult commanding us to follow the experts... or else.

7.) Until Jesus Christ returns, death is inevitable. Those who have been conditioned to avoid death at all costs and cry “peace and safety” will readily accept the counterfeit Transhumanist version of salvation and eternal life.

8.) COVID, Critical Race Theory (CRT) and all other issues are never the issue (although Critical Theory, including CRT, is itself a fundamental worldview problem for the Christian). The goal of the global elite so-called “expert” class have realized that such a large mass of independent people cannot be easily controlled. They are willing to allow the elimination large swaths of population because a smaller number, and people who trust them, can be easily controlled. This isn’t some conspiracy. They speak what is in their heart, even if it is hard to find. And the evidence is getting easier to find. Using COVID as a pretext, they seek some sort of digital ID, want to eliminate paper and coins as currency.

9.) Labeling something as a “conspiracy theory” is used as a pejorative to shut down discussion. There can be several reasons, the most notable being: obfuscation, peer pressure (wanting to fit in with the “cool kids”), and ignorance of the topics at hand. The important thing to establish on any premise is “is it true?”. The book of Esther (and the whole Bible in general) reveals that there are indeed conspiracies to commit evil, and how to respond. Likewise, the church should be encouraging (conspiring) us to stir up each other to good works, and having fellowship with each other “all the more, as you see the day approaching”. What day? The return of Christ. And the clear meaning does indicate that we can see the day approaching.

10.) Why is there so much rhetoric in evangelicalism trying to find a “third way”? It is very much like many are more disciples of Hegel than of Christ. This allows compromise and heresy to easily infiltrate the churches. Whereas, “science” and so-called elite circles gladly excommunicate the heterodox or unorthodox, modern churches seek to blend scientism and the prevailing cultural winds into a sort of syncretism. Very much as the Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis paradigm.

The Bible teaches, on the other hand, that the light should not fellowship with the darkness (2 Corinithians 6:13-15), and to beware the doctrines of demons (I Timothy 4:1). Can “science” be involved in the doctrines of demons? Of course. Going back to Babel, we see the clash of man and science with God; and we see that once man reaches a certain point of depravity, then God will intervene. I used to wonder why all the worlds armies would gather at the end and actually try to battle Jesus Himself. It is becoming readily apparent. The hubris of the humanistic scientific and elite classes view Transhumanism as plausible, offering the possibility of great health and maybe even everlasting "life". They are steering us into a globalist system where no one can “buy or sell” without being the cleansed or the approved. This is exactly what is described in the book of Revelation, which they mock. It’s amazing that God revealed this to the supposed “uneducated and ignorant” about 2000 years ago in great detail. And knowing this the globalist-elite-expert class think they can implement all this, down to the detail, but avoid the predicted outcome at the end.

11.) It has been a common refrain among the evangelical intelligentsia that Jesus is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. It states the obvious, but is a way of drawing a false moral equivalence that seeks to assuage the conscience. Scripture makes it clear that some wrong doing carries a greater weight. Hence the differing punishments for different offenses in the Old Testament. But also acknowledged is this by Jesus to Pilate: “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin” (John 19:11). This verse, along with I Corinthians 7:17-24, also present a problem for those teachers who insist that "we might be called to give up some of our rights" or that Jesus wouldn't have us act in a certain way politically. The Bible is a very political book throughout, proclaiming that God is supreme and Jesus is King. That both God and the fallen demonic world are active in politics is evident throughout the Bible, with Satan even offering Christ what is rightfully His, in advance, and in the wrong timing. All that is taught is that God is love. While true, He is also just. For those who refuse His payment for sins, He is ultimately coming to conquer you. In fact Revelation states when He comes to find the armies of the world trying to oppose Him, He will slay them "with the breath of His mouth" (2 Thessalonians 2:8), and leave a pool of blood of the conquered that spreads for about 200 miles (Revelation 14:20).

12.) Calling out sin and false, secular worldviews is not divisive or belittling. Ephesians 5:10 says to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness, but to expose them. I Timothy 4:2 makes it clear the Word is for correction, rebuke and encouragement. Divisions themselves sometimes can not be avoided, Scripture is clear that people who cause division are causing them because they teach things "contrary to the teaching which you learned, and to turn away from them". Thus, we are to turn away and avoid those who teach falsely, not those who expose them.

13.) Prognostications for 2022 and beyond:

Scripture says in the last days, difficult time would come. I would expect them to get more difficult. I say this without any hesitation: COVID itself is very real, and not to be trifled with. However the various crises that exist are entirely man made and driven. The elites seek a control and central planning unlike the world has ever seen. Early therapeutics are poo-pooed by "science" because they are the means to bring in a global economic crisis, facilitating digital currency, global Marxism/Fascism, vaccine passports (which are a precursor to the mark of the beast found in Revelation 13), a social credit system, whatever other police state initiatives they think they can achieve, enforcing new artificial intelligence controls, and progressing toward the goal of Transhumanism. They intend to remake the world financially, politically, medically, and religiously via a Great Reset and control the propaganda with The Great Narrative. Opposing voices will be censored. Public educators have been complicit in this by conditioning the victims that censoring views and opinions in the classroom is the ideal, to be expected, and commonplace.

Been seeing more about aliens? They are, in fact demonic. I firmly believe this will be the explanation for the disappearance of Christians, whether facilitated by the government or via the Rapture of the Church. In fact theologians are being prodded to see what they (and their congregations) will think when the alien reveal happens. I saw one article that even posited one of their teachings will be that there are many incarnations of Christ ("many will come in My name, saying 'I am Christ', and will deceive many" Matthew 24:5).

Time is running out to embrace Truth and accept the payment of sin that Jesus Christ alone can provide. He is coming very soon. Maranatha!

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