The Creation Museum stands as a monument to the failure of education and the institutional church. The church, in that it has refused to defend the foundation of Christianity found in Genesis 1-11. As a result, we now need a place that will defend the foundation and the authority of the Word of God... because it is not sufficiently defended in pulpits, and the "story time" curriculums of the major denominations. The lack of apologetics curriculum from early ages leaves children exposed to the one-sided brainwashing of the secular humanist religion that is now the de-facto religion taught in schools. The education system has produced this monument as well, as the so-called academic freedom liberals (especially public education teachers, lawyers, politicians, NGOs, and even theologians) became the very thing they opposed: suppressors of free speech and ideas that are not in line with the conventional wisdom of the day.
Liberals, and even what some thought to be more conservative and orthodox theologians, now say that one side should be nice and make excuses for why the other is not. They have decided that Social Justice and Programs have become more powerful that the Gospel and the Word of God. Is this "theology of nice" found in the Scriptures, or at the alter of Marx and Hegel? Was it not John the Baptist who called an entire group a "brood of vipers"? Paul essentially called the Greeks ignorant. Jesus cleansed the temple and warned the population that their generation was "perverse". The New Testament clearly teaches that some people we are to turn away from, and yet most leaders in the churches are in explicit rebellion against this teaching. They they say that those who would expose the truth are keyboard warriors, without realizing they are not given a forum in the churches, where who gets to speak is tightly controlled. Contrast this attitude with the commendation of the Bereans, who even tested what the Fathers in the Faith said, to see whether these things are so. The "theology of nice" is what amounts to a rationalization to decline to make the hard decisions to stand for the truth in difficult situations.
Sometimes the truth is not nice. They fail to distinguish between nice, and being respectful of the given life made in the image of God. Love without truth is indeed not love. It is the fruition of the Hegelian dialect, where from the thesis and antithesis, a synthesis is arrived at. This is how false doctrine invades the church. Whether they want to admit or not, Marx and Hegel are now just as revered as Jesus Christ in even what was once the conservative Southern Baptist Convention. They somehow think themselves immune to the consequences from mass compromise, where the world is catered to. What we are synthesizing is our, and our children's own destruction. History will judge us harshly.
The Creation Museum is a great reminder of the need to return to the authority of Scripture. There is now a place to learn "the other side" contrary to the views presented in our government indoctrination centers. However, it is nothing to celebrate. It is a monument to failure, both in the church and in education.