It's a great irony that the intellectual, political and religious elite continue to deride Ken Ham. Then, they castigate Christian believers as racist when they are the ones arguing there is no race, but only people groups. Christianity is the only real cure for racism. If we all descended from Adam and Eve, then there is only one race: the human race. Evolutionary biology, however, teaches that some biological organisms are inherently superior by their genetics. Public educators essentially promote that which they decry, and whine and moan when their hypocrisy is exposed.
That leads me to the things that are happening in our public schools. There has been much discussion of the phrase "thoughts and prayers", with essentially both sides being wrong. One side argues that they are essentially worthless without some kind of human action, and are virtually meaningless. To a certain extent, I would agree. This is because the thoughts and prayers are focused in the wrong direction.
Before I opine, allow me to share some personal anecdotes from experiences from both my children and myself. I took on my high school biology teacher by pointing out that certain evidences do not validate evolutionary theory, and even one of the pictures in the textbook was a hoax. This seems to have had the effect of striking a nerve. Rather than offering to do some research and refining his position, he started issuing a series of personal attacks. This indicated to me that there was, and continues, to be, a diminishing academic freedom, with no dissenting viewpoints allowed.
The agenda of the authors of public education cannot be questioned and dual viewpoints may not be entertained in the classroom. Yet when broached, albeit not very tactfully by Donald Trump Jr., our local school board member in Huntsville, Pam Hill got all up in arms on Facebook, because she is in denial of the worldview that is being taught in school to the exclusion of all others; and she has blind faith in the virtues of public education and turns a blind eye to its shortcomings.
So, how should we pray for our schools when they have kicked the God being prayed to out? Praying for safety and blessing is great, mind you. However, whe should God honor that prayer for those that willingly withhold the truth and forbid open discussion? The truth cannot be taught, because it is not politically correct and the very notion of truth is even denied. This, even though some viewpoints have been deemed to be antiquated or “not true“. It's no wonder this the previous two generations are so confused. Shouldn't the prayer be that teachers and students should be free to express truth, and to have an open discussion when there are disagreements with the curricula? Shouldn’t the prayer be for teachers to stand up, teach truth and reject error? Why should God honor a prayer for a system that has openly declared itself to be anti-God?
Even though there may be some disagreement with Ken Ham on some issues, he has done more for the Church in moving the discussion to biblical authority than anyone in this generation. The only reason I can see for the resistance is the fact that most in American society do not, in fact, desire nor respect biblical authority. Taking all the hypocrisy out of both sides, racism cannot be acceptable to a Christian who believes in a literal Genesis. Racism can, in fact, be the result of the fascination with eugenics brought about by those with Darwinian evolutionary perspective. Sorry, there is no way to sugar coat it.