There is this general observation that has been on my mind for quite a while and it was reinforced by some of the narrative of the Obi Wan Kenobi series.
First, Disney keeps doing things to mess up the original story. There are a very limited amount of material considered Star Wars “canon”, all written within 50 years. Each additional series or episode produces more potholes, inconsistency, and things that don’t make sense within the overall story. Then consider, the Bible, written over about 1300 years, penned in the hand of many humans, but authored by God, and there is not one plot hole or inconsistency. Some think they find inconsistency but on further review, it simply cannot be nailed down.
Second, is the effect of collective propaganda on the group or tribe to which one belongs. For example: The overall big picture is the Jedi are the good guys fighting for the right things. However, the Sith reveal there are specific things the Jedi are wrong about and they get so hung up over it, that it distorts their whole view of big picture reality. The Jedi lost sight of the big picture, because they couldn’t see their specific faults. If specific faults are allowed to consume, then we can’t be of much help to the big picture and feel defeated. Being apart of the Church and in secular culture can be somewhat similar. People I have worked with, or gone to school with, in the past, who are not, or were not saved, have seen specific flaws that I had, that people in church either did not see or would not point out. Even though the secular world view misses the big picture, sometimes they are able to point out specific things and kernels of truth that can be dismissed sometimes.
This is the case with Critical Theories, the latest being CRT. It wraps an antichrist anti-gospel system around something that has, or appears to have a kernel (or more) of truth. This was also the case in the Garden. The serpent deceived Eve by wrapping a kernel of truth, but distorting the big picture, leading to the question, “did God really say?”.
So what, then? Stay in the Word, keep your eyes on the big picture. But sometimes specific criticisms are true and valid, but that does not make an entire systems argument true or valid.