The Rosetta Stone of Liberal Left Statist Speech
Anti-Science - the presentation of scientific facts and observations not agreeing with the liberal position on science.
Bigot - anyone who disagrees with a liberal.
Church Discipline - reserved for personality conflicts, social media blunders, spending we don't agree with... but doesn't cover actual sin; sometimes blocking someone on social media.
Collusion - working together to defeat a liberal politician, which is a crime worthy of impeachment.
Domestic Terrorist - those acting against a liberal, leftist, statist ideology.
Evidence - opinions produced when liberals cite themselves, which is what normal people call circular reasoning.
Facts - what my feelings are telling me.
Fact Checking- judging claims against the tenets of liberal orthodoxy.
Feelings - facts.
Free Speech - speech that agrees with a liberal; all other positions can be banned, especially in academia, and social media.
Gender - Whatever I identify as today.
God - sometimes the self and sometimes the State, depending on the context.
Hate Speech/Rude - speech from the opposing viewpoint, which follows not being able to match the opposing viewpoint in a debate.
Is - it depends on what the word is is today.
Journalism - blogging disguised as reporting.
Marriage - whatever we want it to be. Anything but what the Bible says.
Mostly peaceful - violent.
Open-minded - willing to become a liberal and question long standing dictionary word definitions.
Pro-Choice - the ability to choose abortion and having the government regulate or ban all other “choices”.
Privilege - those who decided to get a better education than you did.
Racist - someone you can’t win an argument with.
Rules - regulations that apply to people who don’t agree with me.
Sanctuary cities - cities for law breakers.
Science - The liberal belief system and getting paid to reach a conclusion that proves the preferred liberal outcome before the experiment.
Sin - disagreeing with a liberal, or the god state; or agreeing with what the Bible says about sin.
Social Justice - system of justice derived from man's belief that biblical justice is not adequate or that good works are the Gospel.
Spying - Not surveillance, and also not spying, except when done to liberals (see surveillance).
Statesman - someone who will stab their constituents in the back.
Surveillance - not spying, unless done to liberals (see spying).
Truth - whatever it is from our standpoint (i.e. Standpoint Epistemology).
Unity - conformity and universal agreement.
We have to do something about the ________ crisis:
Doing the same government big spending statist activities and expecting a different result
It's all for the children:
When there is no substantive argument, but how can one argue against this? After all, it's for the kids.
We are for Women's Rights (multiple definitions):
1. We want you to pay for our birth control because after all, there should be no consequences and we are envious cheap people, so we shouldn't have to pay.
2. The right to kill as many babies as possible for convenience, because decapitating a baby and suctioning it out of the mother is so humane. And again, we shouldn't have to deal the consequences of our actions, should we?